Thursday, April 29, 2010

U R PINKED.......

Pink is one of my favorite .........why girls like pink color....why pink is always related to feminity.....??

After googling and binging...he hee...I came to few conclusions for my question....

And answers are

Pink was a color that was always related to boys and blue was a color that was related to girls.

This was the situation from 1920’s -1940’s .But after 1940’s this was inverted and blue became the color of boys and pink became the color of girls.

Another version of the story is that by 1940’s the Barbie came to picture and Barbie was wearing pink dresses, pink necklace...

Anyway I like pink color a lot and my first dolls name was pinke...

:) nice to remember all those......

Here are some pink flowers added with this have a look...


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Falling Sun

This is photo taken in munnar,kerala(india)
Dont you feel that sun is falling...

Monday, April 26, 2010

my love…………

my love…………

Lots of prayers for u my love ……..

Lots of thanks for u my love……


Lots….of thanks for thoughts that make me fresh…

That make be green……..

That lead me through my life…… love……..

Moments , moments that u make me laugh………

Moments, Moments that make me hug……..

Hoooo!!!!!!!....all I could say I am simply & and  madly in love with u……….

My sweet hubby………….

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Many of us like sunsets and sunrises....
why....that is  a never...those who are blessed to see the colour of this world will surely like sunsets snd sunrises.....which one u like most..?,,,what will be the answer for this....
hope 90% will say...sunrise gives us a new begining and sunset...takes us to nostalgic i correct....if my soul answers this question the answer will be similar......
i thought of sharing some sunsets....
Proudly let me say something....these are also from my husband's gallery....
Here comes the some pictures...
I will give explantion for each and when and where it was taken....

This is the picture taken at a beach at Veli in kerala (India).

This is taken at my native..pathanamthitta in Kerala(India)
One more thing could you see the hanging of the key factors that attracted me in this picture is that.... :)
This is sunrise time in front of our home.....
Priyanka Jayaraj

Mr.Ant in his violet palace.. :)

Mr Ant and violet palace....sounds weird....but...after seeing this picture dont do feel that my thoughts are correct......
:) after seeing this picture in my husband's gallery....imagination was creating....stories ....ha there lived viloet palace and blah blah...

let  me make onething intention is not to tell blog this picture....

Thursday, April 22, 2010

How fear of failure destroys success!!!!!

This is an article that i read by chance but seems to be a good one and thought of sharing it....
The article is about how failure can destroy success and how success can stop you from becoming more successful....

How fear of failure destroys success

Trial and error are usually the prime means of solving life’s problems. Yet many people are afraid to undertake the trial because they’re too afraid of experiencing the error. They make the mistake of believing that all error is wrong and harmful, when most of it is both helpful and necessary. Error provides the feedback that points the way to success. Only error pushes people to put together a new and better trial, leading through yet more errors and trials until they can ultimately find a viable and creative solution. To meet with an error is not to fail, but to take one more step on the path to final success. No errors means no successes either.

In fact, one of the greatest misfortunes you can meet early in a project is premature—yet inevitably still partial—success. When that happens, the temptation is to fix on what seemed to work so quickly and easily and look no further. Later, maybe, a competitor will come along and continue the exploration process that you aborted, pushing on to find a much better solution that will quickly push your partial one aside.

Cultures of perfection

Too many organizations today have cultures of perfection: a set of organizational beliefs that any failure is unacceptable. Only pure, untainted success will do. To retain your reputation as an achiever, you must reach every goal and never, ever make a mistake that you can’t hide or blame on someone else.

Imagine the stress and terror in an organization like that. The constant covering up of the smallest blemishes. The wild finger-pointing as everyone tries to shift the blame for the inevitable cock-ups and messes onto someone else. The rapid turnover as people rise high, then fall abruptly from grace. The lying, cheating, falsification of data, and hiding of problems—until they become crises that defy being hidden any longer.
Clinging to the past

If some people fail to reach a complete answer because of the lure of some early success, many more fail because of their ego-driven commitment to what worked in the past. You often see this with senior people, especially those who made their names by introducing some critical change years ago. They shy away from further innovation, afraid that this time they might fail, diminishing the luster they try to keep around their names from past triumph. Besides, they reason, the success of something new might even prove that those achievements they made in the past weren’t so great after all. Why take the risk when you can hang on to your reputation by doing nothing?
Such people are so deeply invested in their egos and the glories of their past that they prefer to set aside opportunities for future glory rather than risk even the possibility of failure.

Why high achievers fail

Every strength can become a weakness. Every talent contains an opposite that sometimes makes it into a handicap. Successful people like to win and achieve high standards. This can make them so terrified of failure it ruins their lives. When a positive trait, like achievement, becomes too strong in someone’s life, it’s on the way to becoming a major handicap.

Achievement is a powerful value for many successful people. They’ve built their lives on it. They achieve at everything they do: school, college, sports, the arts, hobbies, work. Each fresh achievement adds to the power of the value in their lives.

Gradually, failure becomes unthinkable. Maybe they’ve never failed yet in anything that they’ve done, so have no experience of rising above it. Failure becomes the supreme nightmare: a frightful horror they must avoid at any cost. The simplest way to do this is never to take a risk. Stick rigidly to what you know you can do. Protect your butt. Work the longest hours. Double and triple check everything. Be the most conscientious and conservative person in the universe.

And if constant hard work, diligence, brutal working schedules, and harrying subordinates won’t ward off the possibility of failing, use every other possible means to to keep it away. Falsify numbers, hide anything negative, conceal errors, avoid customer feedback, constantly shift the blame for errors onto anyone too weak to fight back. The problems with ethical standards in major US corporations has, I believe, more to do with fear of failure among long-term high achievers than any criminal intent. Many of those guys at Enron and Arthur Andersen were supreme high-fliers, basking in the flattery of the media. Failure was an impossible prospect, worth doing just about anything to avoid.

Why balance is essential

Beware of unbalanced values in your life. Beware when any one value—however benign in itself—becomes too powerful. Over-achievers destroy their own peace of mind and the lives of those who work for them. People too attached to “goodness” and morality become self-righteous bigots. Those whose values for building close relationships become unbalanced slide into smothering their friends and family with constant expressions of affection and demands for love in return.

Everyone likes to succeed. The problem comes when fear of failure is dominant. When you can no longer accept the inevitability of making mistakes, nor recognize the importance of trial and error in finding the best and most creative solution. The more creative you are, the more errors you are going to make. Get used to it. Deciding to avoid the errors will destroy your creativity too.

Balance counts more than you think. Some tartness must season the sweetest dish. A little selfishness is valuable even in the most caring person. And a little failure is essential to preserve everyone’s perspective on success.

We hear a lot about being positive. Maybe we also need to recognize that the negative parts of our lives and experience have just as important a role to play in finding success, in work and in life.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Contrasting Buildings

Hey lets have a look at this photo.Let me give more info about this photo.The owner of the photo is my husband.....that too taken on a let me explain y "that too" clause added.....Yes....these are two buildings in the end i could convey one hubby was having this sunday working or could say....light  moments in office.......:) comes the picture.....

Friday, April 9, 2010

White Flowers............

Dreaming Flowers

Wedding Flowers

Hey...rainy flowers..

Anxious flowers.....

Sleeping Flowers

Dancing Flowers..

Painted Ones...
White Beauty
Cute Flowers
Arranged Flowers....

Magical Flowers....
Mrs. Elegant

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Humorous Frustrations

Positive thinking is one of the most important assets a human can own by himself /herself.

If we realize that life is all about making mistakes and learning from it.....then u are a successful person.

When a person lose in his life? This is a question that we have to ask ourselves.......god will give him ways to realize and change through mistakes...but if  humanbeings continue to do that mistake...then he is a failure....

I was thinking about the word humorous frustrations......

Yes when I think about it I would have to say hey humorous frustration is a cute word...... come some cute thoughts about my humorous frustration....

I was into a new team and the project stuffs , this so called stuffs includes mainframe knowledge to be used and the business both were totally new to me......

I am not a mainframe developer , am just a tester. I was given some program logic and was asked to create some document on the technical details on IO module testing (it’s a type of testing).

I was little bit frustrated....ha idea what to do...

I went and asked my mentor (senior colleague) on this, but he said he was busy with his own work.

Still gave an overview I listened to it as if  I am listening to a fable. My hopes was coming down on how to come up with something that was out of my scope literally .

Then an idea clicked on my baba is there to help right...

What do u think I goggled for how to proceed my work...then u are wrong...

:)...i googled for 100 positive words in u think that its a crap....

No try this out when u all are will work out....anyway it worked out for me...

I could feel my hope coming back............

It took two days for me to get the skeletal structure of my work to be done....but I made it at last....

Now I feel that it was a humorous frustration.....
