Thursday, April 29, 2010

U R PINKED.......

Pink is one of my favorite .........why girls like pink color....why pink is always related to feminity.....??

After googling and binging...he hee...I came to few conclusions for my question....

And answers are

Pink was a color that was always related to boys and blue was a color that was related to girls.

This was the situation from 1920’s -1940’s .But after 1940’s this was inverted and blue became the color of boys and pink became the color of girls.

Another version of the story is that by 1940’s the Barbie came to picture and Barbie was wearing pink dresses, pink necklace...

Anyway I like pink color a lot and my first dolls name was pinke...

:) nice to remember all those......

Here are some pink flowers added with this have a look...


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